Long Tail Keywords are the game changers โ€“ Master Long Tail Search

Long Tail Keywords are the game changers โ€“ Master Long Tail Search

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In Search Engine Optimization keywords have a major role in targeted marketing and your field of sales, if you have chosen the wrong keyword then you will waste both, time and money. The wrong keyword means not only the wrong targeted market but also too high or low competitive keywords. Too high competitive keywords take a lot of time and cost to rank and then you have no guarantee they will be still on top for even some days. Too low competitive keywords take less time and cost to rank but due to the low search volume, they do not pay back as expected. Then what is the better way to fight the most competitive and strict Google search?

Long tail keywords are the game changers, as these kinds of keywords have medium-level competition and are easy to rank on Google. Suppose you are fighting with two or three standard keywords with high search volume and high competition then you must change your way to long tail keywords which have medium search volume and competition. With these keywords, you will find good results and you will save so much time and money.

Difference between standard and long tail keyword

How can you recognize long-tail keywords? Itโ€™s simple to understand, standard keywords always consist of two or three words maximum like โ€œoily skinโ€ and โ€œprevent oily skinโ€ while long tail keywords have more than three keywords and it can be a half sentence like โ€œhow to prevent oily skinโ€ and/or โ€œways to prevent oily skin in summerโ€ etc. and after a number of words consist in the phrase the second sign of long tail keywords are they will have mostly low to medium search volume. The charm of these keywords is, that they have exact phrases like search volume.

Long tail keywords and long tail search

Now we will find long tail keywords, First of all, my best tool is Google Instant Search, which gives you the most targeted long tail keywords If you know how to use alphabetically search, here is a preview of it.

You can see how it is suggesting long tail keywords that have been searched by people for the last months or years. But if you want to go deeper and want a more satisfying search then here are some tools you can get long-tail keywords for your business.

1. Longtailpro.com

This is the best tool I have seen all over the internet, it gives you not only long tail keywords but also gives you its search volume and competition, it becomes easy to know the competition and then you can make the best strategy for the rank keyword.

2. Keywordtool.io

This awesome and time-saving tool will give you all-in-one searches as you can see you can search Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and App Store in the same place.

If we focus on the above-mentioned tools then we can find our targeted long-tail keywords easily.

Why do we need long-tail keywords?

Long Tail keywords help us to rank for major and complex terms, these types of keywords give us support in Google for our main and focus keywords, and we can use these keywords as keyword diversity, so Google can see our content and backlinks more as natural. If you want to rank for a highly competitive keyword then always try to use it under long-tail keywords and come to a standard keyword using the content of long-tail keywords, you will see significant changes in Google for your main keyword.


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